On the edge of the Sahara, in Burkina Faso, the village of Kamsé is being destroyed by the effects of creeping desertification. To ensure the village’s survival, the villagers decided to embark on the planning of a perimeter. Armed with shovels and pickaxes, they will build dikes, plant hedges and trees to protect the soil from wind, gully erosion and herds of animals that grass on what little pasture manages to grow. The battle is mainly lead by the women, under a fierce sun.
Réalisation, image, montage / Director, cinematographer, editor: Olivier Zuchuat
Son / Sound : Hamado Kangambega
Sound editing : Jean Mallet
Sound Mix : Denis Séchaud
Color correction : Pierre Sudre
Producteurs/Productors : Pierre-Alain Meier, Arnaud Dommerc, Boubacar Diallo
Production : Prince Film (CH), Andolfi(F), les Films du Dromadaire (BF)
Co-production :
Distribution : Out of the box (CH), JRH Films (F)
Format : 4k Cinémascope
Durée/length : 1h33 min.
ISAN : 0000-0004-8643-0000-F-0000-0000-T
Shooting format : 4k
Screening Format : DCP 25i
Length : 93 min
Screen : 2,39
Sound : 5.1
Prince Film SA
P. A. Meier, Coin-dessus 3
CH – 2863 Undervelier,
Tél. ++ +41 32 423 17 78
Email. G: meier(at)
Andolfi. 9 rue des cascades, 75020 Paris. Tel : 0033 9 50 65 23 05
mail : production(at)